
Extra, extra, more time to turn in surveys for evaluators “struggling with other obligations,” according to the latest from Leiter (see annoncement below).

We here at UP@NIGHT wondered about what kinds of roadblocks the PGR evaluators have been facing in completing the taxing PGR survey.   So we sent out our investigative team and here’s what we discovered evaluators actually told Leiter .  In rank order, for there can be no other kind:

1.  The dog ate my survey.

2.  I couldn’t figure out the criteria I was supposed to use.

3.  I couldn’t understand why there are so many specializations.  Isn’t analytic metaphysics and epistemology enough?

4.  I heard that Edward Snowden is planning to release emails describing behind-the-scenes activity at the PGR.

5.  I thought the stars on “Access Hollywood” were more interesting.  Can I rank those instead?

6.  I couldn’t figure out whether current, past, future, or Sub specie aeternitatis reputation was most important in evaluating departments.

7.  The instructions on how to stonewall critics of the PGR were not included with my survey.  Please send as promised.

8.  I learned that you planned to include my name in the specialty rankings and dread overcame me.

9.  There was something too goyisha about the whole thing.*

10. I couldn’t find the promised Amazon gift certificate for “Gone with the Wind.”

11.  I was being inducted into the NJ Hall of Fame.

12.  I still can’t figure out how turning in this survey is supposed to make me one of the cool kids.

*UPDATE, 11/15/2014, New post explaining #9, “Why I Said the PGR is Goyisha, with Video”




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